Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Byron Homecoming at BHS

Byron Homecoming

We had an amazing 2017 Homecoming week at Byron High School.  

On Monday we had Homecoming Coronation at the BMS Auditorium
Freshmen: Lauren Raymond & Travis Underwood
Sophomores: Payton Sampson & Carter Wilde
Juniors: Mia Jorgensen & Dylan Nickrenz
Seniors: Erika Smith, Ayoka Lee, Ryann Lake, Roni Mangouras, Luke Barth, Javin Logan, Owen Radke, Sean LaPlante

Prince: Mathew Hollister
Princess: Julia Fuchsteiner 

Our king is Owen Radke and our queen is Ayoka Lee.

On Tuesday, the Fall Captains and the Homecoming Court visited the Primary and Intermediate school at lunch and recess, spending time with students K-5.
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On Wednesday we hosted a student volleyball tournament.  We had many teams fight for the victory but by far the most creative team name and uniform was Team Hy-Vee.
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On Friday we held an exciting Pepfest, which included a guy/girl dance

And even staff participation

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The afternoon consisted of our annual parade. We are lucky to have such community support and involvement.

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PTO/Student Council Tailgating before the big game was largely attended. 


We played Lourdes and put up a huge fight, losing 21/20


Halftime consisted of: BHS Spirit Squad

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Homecoming Court,

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Hall of Fame Inductees, followed by the BHS Pep Band.

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Saturday held the Homecoming Dance


and the Hall of Fame Banquet:

2000 Baseball team

Kathy Borgschatz, Ed Voll, Owen Hoegh

  • Tom Holets 1977 Graduate
    He earned 10 athletic letters. Was captain of the varsity track, football and wrestling teams; setting numerous school records.   
  • Cathy Borgschatz 1989 Graduate
    Cathy is a four-year letter winner in basketball, three of which she was named All-Conference.  She was a three-year letter winner in softball and received All-Conference all three years.  She was a two-year letter winner in volleyball and received All-Conference one of those years.  She served as a captain on all three teams her senior year.  
  • Owen Hoegh 2000 Graduate
    Earned 9 letters in football, basketball, and baseball.  Was Academic All-State and team captain for football, basketball, and baseball his senior year.  Was named All-Conference and All-Area as a junior in football.  Was named All-Conference twice in basketball and was the team’s MVP his senior year.  
  • Ed Voll Class of 1940
    One of Byron’s biggest athletic supporters!  Ed has been supporting the school’s football, basketball, wrestling, softball, baseball and volleyball programs throughout the last 70 years.  During his high school career here at Byron, Ed earned two letters in basketball and was part of the Letterman’s Club.  Ed graduated from Byron in 1940, at graduation, he was awarded The Best School Citizen Award and The American Legion Award for Merit, Scholarship, Courage and Leadership.  

Honoring 2000 Baseball Team - 5th at the state tournament, team Academic all-state. Combined 46-9 record, junior and senior seasons. Junior year had the most wins in the state and their senior year they were ranked one or two all year. 8 boys in their class were in the honor society 6 of them on the baseball team. Four players were named all section, two players were named all-state. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Connections are Every Where!

by Amanda Durnen

Often times we think of the schools in Byron as their own entities.  We have the Primary School, Intermediate School, Middle School, and High School.  Although we are all located on our own campus, we do share a trait that can be felt district-wide: connectedness!

Through the month of September, connectedness was all around us.  From Homecoming Week activities, to Middle School students sharing Bullying presentations to our younger students, to our Intermediate School 5th graders getting ready to start their Leadership opportunities at the Primary School, to one particular story that had a perfectly connected ending.

At the start of the school year, we had noticed that our recess ball cart was beginning to feel the wear and tear of being highly used.  This was a good sign!  Kids were enjoying the activities that our ball cart was housing.  Last week, we were almost sure it had seen its final day.  After several attempts by our maintenance staff to try and save it with the materials we had access to at our building, it wasn’t looking good.

We want our students to recognize and utilize the resources around them when they are available, so why wouldn’t we as a school do the same.  A photo was taken and sent to the High School Industrial Tech class to see if they were interested in a project.  “Absolutely”, was the response.  The next morning the cart was delivered to the High School. 

At 2:15 pm that same day, I noticed two students rolling a fully functional blue ball cart up the sidewalk.  They rolled it in and shared that they had bolted all of the pieces back together and reinforced the attachments.  It looked brand new.

What started as a lost cause, ended up a complete success because of the connectedness we share as a district.  The true spirit of helping each other was alive and well.  Four young men were able to repair our recess cart and renew our spirit!  What a GREAT community of students and staff we have here in Byron!