Parents are the first educator’s in a child’s life. We want to be true partners in education with all of our families. Creating relationships between families and schools is a priority for us at Byron Primary School. We are always looking for opportunities to engage and involve families in a child’s educational journey.
Research shows that a home to school connection can have many benefits including that of increasing student learning. We like to start our school year by involving parents in a Back to School conference opportunity that allows parents, teachers and children the time to begin to create a comfortable relationship with each other.
This winter, we had a Family Literacy Night where parents and children practiced literacy strategies. The children were the teachers in helping their parents understand how the strategies help them read. It was not only an informative evening, but a fun and engaging event. Students were able to take home two new books with them to keep practicing their reading strategies at home. Parents left with tools in their toolbox to help their child when they are at home and need guidance.
Classroom teachers are always welcoming parents and families into their rooms whether it be for holiday celebrations, helping with learning centers, Kindergarten cooking or just as an extra set of hands. Our goal is to continue to create more school-wide opportunities for parents and children to continue to learn and grow together! Be watching for information on a Family Engineering Night coming in May!